Sun, Dec

Saiku Daina and Night Parade of 100 Demons

8:00pm – 10:00pm
¥3,000 (advance sales)¥3,000 (on the door)

Take part in an unusual New Year’s Eve event that’s been going since the Heian era. Head to Saikū Heian-no-Mori Park in Mie Prefecture to cast out “the invisible demons” that lurk in human hearts, and bring in a bit of good luck for the year ahead.

You can choose to watch from the sidelines, or get involved: 100 people — adults and children alike — can dress up as demons, or oni, and parade around the park. To participate, you’ll need to book tickets in advance. It costs ¥3,000 for elementary school kids and up, but is free for younger children.

Your ticket will get you a demon mask and lantern, as well as a special visit to nearby Take Shrine. Reservations can be made online (website in Japanese) or by calling Meiwa Kanko: 059 667-6850.

Location: 2800-2773 Saikū, Meiwa, Taki District, Mie, 515-0321.

Organizers may cancel events, alter schedules, or change admission requirements without notice. Always check official sites before heading to an event.

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