The Kihoku Lantern Festival takes place in the port town of Nagashima in Kihoku, Mie Prefecture.
What happens?
Each year a large, elaborate cloth lantern is set afloat on the harbor in the afternoon. After nightfall, there is a spectacular fireworks display known as the Saiun Kujaku (Rainbow Peacock) as a backdrop to the floating lantern.
From 2 p.m. until the fireworks begin at 8 p.m., there are performances and other entertainment on a stage.
How to get there
The venue (Kiinagashima Port) is a 15-minute walk from Kii Nagashima Station. There is also a shuttle bus to different areas.
Organizers may cancel events, alter schedules, or change admission requirements without notice. Always check official sites before heading to an event.Late
Official site
⚠️ Link in Japanese
In case of bad weather, postponed to following day.