Japan Cheapo is Japan’s most popular English-language events listing site. As a trusted source of information, both residents and visitors discover new events through us.

Event organizers can choose from the options below:

Premium Event Listing – ¥33,000

  • Submission deadline: 14 days before the event start date
  • 7 days featured event on the home page
  • 7 days featured event on the event index page
  • 7 days featured in the event section on every event page
  • Included in the newsletter to 3,800+ subscribers
  • Hide standard ads on page

Standard Event Listing – ¥11,000

  • Submission deadline: 14 days before the event start date
  • ❌ Featured event on the home page
  • ❌ Featured event on the event index page
  • ❌ Featured in the event section on every event page
  • ❌ Hide standard ads (ads will be displayed on page with this option)
  • ❌ Included in the newsletter to 3,800+ subscribers
  • Hide standard ads on page

Community/Non Profit Listing – Free

  • Submission deadline: 14 days before the event start date
  • For community events and good causes
  • ❌ Guarantee of publication (at our discretion)
  • ☀ You should link to Japan Cheapo from your official event page

Optional Extra: Instagram Story – ¥26,400

  • Story with link to event listing posted on Japan Cheapo Instagram
  • Average story reach 2,000 – 5,000
  • Story posted within 7 days of event start

Professional Event Promotion

  • The main “hero slot” article on the home page
  • Longer periods featured event on the home page
  • Longer periods featured event on the event index page
  • Longer periods featured in the event section on every event page
  • Multiplue issues of the newsletter to 30,000+ subscribers
  • Instagram Promotion e.g. “Events Round up” post, instagram reels
  • Promotion of multiple events
  • Article coverage, banner adverts, and more options for reaching the full 1M+ monthly visitors on Tokyo Cheapo
  • Hide standard ads on page


  • Paid listings last for 1 month or until event end date, whichever is sooner.
  • Unless otherwise specified, listings will start 1 month before the start date of your event.
  • Please submit all event information at least 7 business days in advance, or 9 business days if the event information is in Japanese.
  • Events are accepted at our discretion. We will refund any payments received for events we cannot accept.

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