Possibly the most famous place in Japan, Fushimi Inari Taisha is home to that seemingly never-ending row of closely-packed torii gates plastering the covers of guidebooks throughout time. Things don’t get famous for no reason though, and this is one of the most beautiful spots to visit in Kyoto. There are streets lined with food stalls, cute cafes, an impressive set of shrine buildings and a whole mountain of torii-covered paths to explore. While most people don’t make it past the first few sections, if you follow the paths up you’ll find some less pristine areas well-worth wandering into.

From behind the shrine grounds you can escape the hoards of tourists and take a little detour along the trail to Mt. Inari. There’s a small Shinto shrines along the way and a bamboo grove, which will give you a taste of one the other iconic kyoto sights, the Sagano Bamboo Forest.

bamboo on the trail to mti nari
Photo by Chris Kirkland
shinto stone fox near inari shrine
Photo by Chris Kirkland