Kiyomizu-dera is one of Kyoto’s most famous and most scenic temples. It’s well known for its wooden veranda which offers expansive views of Kyoto.

Kiyomizu-dera means “Pure Water Temple” and it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site. Of course, that means it’s always busy, but still well worth a visit. Take some time to take in the impressive architecture and admire the view from the verandah. There is also a famous waterfall below the hall, that pours out into three streams — each representing a long life, success in education and success in love. If you’re looking for love, be sure to visit Jishu shrine behind the temple. There, you’ll find two stones and if you can navigate your way from one to the other with your eyes closed you’ll be lucky in love.

Kiyomizu-dera was founded in 778 on the site of the Otowa Waterfall. It’s associated with one of the oldest schools in Japanese Buddhism – the Hossō sect (later forming its own branch).